Policy Analysis

Studies performed prior to May 2016 refer to Enelytix as pCloudAnalytics.

  • Exploring the Impacts of Extreme Events, Natural Gas Fuel and Other Contingencies on Resource Adequacy– TCR wrote a white paper, sponsored by EPRI, evaluating current resource adequacy planning methods. The study found that the electric industry systematically understates the probability and depth of many high impact common mode failure events. As a result, the traditional approaches to ensure resource adequacy need to evolve. The paper concludes with an identification of strategies that an individual utility and/or an ISO/RTO could follow based on its unique situation. ENELYTIX was used to analyze the impact of weather on gas-electric system interactions to support some of the study conclusions.
  • Western Energy Imbalance Service and SPP Western RTO Participation Benefits– The Brattle Group used ENELYTIX to estimate the production cost benefits that would likely result from the creation of the WEIS Market and from extending the full Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) market to include the WEIS footprint. A single unified model of WECC and most of the EIC was modeled and the study showed a 0.3% reduction in Adjusted Production Costs.
  • When the Wind Doesn’t Blow– An important strategy for New England states to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets is increased electrification of transportation and residential heating alongside the expansion of intermittent wind and solar electric generation resources. Analysis Group Inc. used ENELYTIX to study the use of large-scale battery storage to shift generation from time of production to time of need in multi-day periods. The study found that firm generation or technological breakthroughs are needed to meet demand during these multi-day periods.
  • Carbon Pricing for New England– Analysis Group Inc. used ENELYTIX to study the impact of increased electrification on the New England generation mixture, energy prices and regional CO2 emissions. The study, performed on behalf of the New England Power Generators Association (NEGPA), focused on developing a pathway for states to meet GHG requirements through a carbon pricing framework.
  • the report Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act Senate Bill 350 Study– The SB 350 studied whether the transformation of the California Independent System Operator into a regional organization would provide benefits to California and its ratepayers. Enelytix was the primary tool used to evaluate operating cost savings, reduction of pollutants and the ability to integrate renewable resources in a WECC-wide region.
  • Multi-Settlement Simulation of Stochastic Reserve Determination– EPRI conducted a study with the support of CAISO to evaluate reserve procurement policies in WECC. Enelytix was used to simulate stochastic reserve procurement in anticipation of dynamic system conditions such as wind ramping and uncertain production of load. Using a full WECC model with 2,000 generators, 46 zones and 27 regions, a two day rolling horizon stochastic simulation with 626 commitment and dispatch runs was performed in less than 1 hour. This initial study found that through dynamic procurement of load following Up and Down reserves, overall efficiency in WECC would be improved.
  • Gas-Electric Co-Optimization (GECO)– The research team led by Newton Energy Group uses Enelytix to study the co-optimization and coordination of natural gas and electric networks as a part of a two-year project sponsored by ARPA-E: